Saturday 8 June 2019

Last Day!

Hey campers and parents! 👋

Yesterday was the last day of our camp 😢, we had a really nice time with all of you and we are very glad about it 💚. 

Hope you also enjoy as much as us this week! 😊

In the early morning we took the train, tram and ferry to go to our destination Suomenlinna.

Once in the island we started the hunting treasure, we made 4 groups: Green, Blue, Yellow and Red. We couldn't finish the game because we had to lunch but was a good way to know a bit the island.

We went to lunch at Bastion Bistro!

After lunch and ate an ice cream, we started our adventure around the tunnels with our flashlights!

Thank you all for this amazing week! 😊

Enjoy your summer and continue your adventures!! 😀

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